Dear past self,

Hello, I am Hui Yue from 2022. On a whim, I wanted to write an article for myself, my past self. With a new life, there will always be some advice or experience from the past.

I wanted to tell my past self that we should be independent. In the past, I was too dependent on my parents, and until now I still feel like a child who has not grown up. In the beginning, I thought that in the future, I would have no problem living outside, but I found that I could not do anything well. I am like a child, I cannot take care of myself, I always stay up late and do not eat on time. So, I want to tell my past self that if I could be independent sooner, I would not be as dependent on my parents and love my family as I am now.

The past self should be at peace of mind. We should maintain positive energy and pass on happiness to those around us. Listen to other people's criticism, but do not feel sad. We do not need to complain, we can try to discern whether the criticism is good for us. Favorable criticism we should remember and correct ourselves. Especially when it comes to family members, be rational. Do not quarrel with family members, family is the most cherished thing. I still regret the unpleasant things I said to my parents rebelliously in the past. Every time I think about it, I cannot breathe. You can do something you love when you are in a bad mood. Therefore, you should develop a decompression method, such as walking, shopping, or sleeping under a quilt, instead of hurting others with words. Remember to recharge your happiness, do not let it stop​​​.

Additionally, I want to tell my past self, do not to be afraid to make friends. I find it fun to make friends and people I know are friendly to me. A few years after MCO, we finally returned to our original lives and were allowed to return to campus to the academy. When I first came to Sungai Long, I had no friends in this strange place, but I made a few friends by chance. In order to complete the assignment of Digital Photography, we made an appointment to take photos together at KLCC. We talked and laughed along the way, and we got to know each other's ages, hometowns, and ambitions for the future in the process. Below this blogger, I will attach what I think is the best photo of this assignment.

Well, I will write here. I hope I will not forget my own advice myself.

Hui Yue



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